Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lovin' it!

Today marked the 30th day of school for me. I have to say that I am really enjoying my bunch of kids this year....most of the time! When speaking with a first grade teacher this past summer and telling her about implementing daily 5 this year, her reply was "oh boy, these kids coming to second grade this year are a handful, good luck!" Even with that said, I really wanted to try the daily 5.  So I figure I'd try it.

These kids have done awesome with it.  They know how to do all five dailies and pick three to do each day due to our schedule. They still need reminders at times but so far they are doing pretty well with completing each one. 

When I began teaching each daily, we discussed, modeled, discussed, modeled, discussed, modeled, over and over again! I do have to say that I am so glad that I put the time in to do that.  I know everyone's time frame is different for how long they introduce each one and practice, but I have to say my kids caught on pretty quickly after they mastered the first one I introduced, read to self. Once they knew how to do that one, the other four came pretty easily. 

I'm very pleased with how things are going. I can definitely see making this a part of my classroom year after year. I'd love to hear from other teachers on how the daily 5 is going in your classroom!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. So useful. Vero Beach Tutoring The kids have to really pay attention to know what is going on
