Monday, September 3, 2012

Open House Week: Meet the Teacher

So, I have to say that I am not an experienced bloggger.  I am actually just getting started, but I am loving reading others' posts and I have gotten so many ideas! So I thought I would give it a try to be apart of TBA's Open House Week!

open house

Meet the Teacher:

My name is Lindsay and I am a second grade teacher.  This is my fifth year teaching.  I began teaching right out of college.  Teaching has always been a passion of mine.  I began teaching second grade for two years, then taught first grade for one year and looped those students into second grade.  I loved the experience of being able to teach the same students for two years! What growth I saw! And I grew so attached to these students, it was hard to say good bye at the end of the year last year! Now, I have a whole new group of second graders this year and I am loving them so far!

My teaching style is student centered.  I want to make sure that students in my class are always actively engaged in learning! To do this, students work independently, in small groups, in partners, as a whole group, and one on one with me.  Students get the opportunity to explore on their own in subjects like math and science.   With different programs (like daily 5), I try to create independence within the students so that they are learning all of the time! I have a lot of procedures and expectations set in my classroom so that students know how they should be acting at all times.  I always set high expectations for my students so that they can succeed.  When I taught first grade, it was an eye opening experience because they couldn't do as much as second graders that I was used to.  But, I set high expectations and expected a lot from them and they rose and met those expectations! I do have a fun and silly side that I incorporate into my teaching as well because I want my students to love learning and want to be at school!

That is me in a nutshell.  I am excited to learn about other teachers and their teaching styles.  What a great way to make connections and share ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay- I have been teaching for 5 years and I started teaching right out of college, too! I just found your blog through the TBA linky party and I'm glad I did. I'm your newest follower! Stop on by my blog when you get a sec...
    Kindergarten Schmindergarten
