Monday, September 3, 2012

Open House Week: Meet the Teacher

So, I have to say that I am not an experienced bloggger.  I am actually just getting started, but I am loving reading others' posts and I have gotten so many ideas! So I thought I would give it a try to be apart of TBA's Open House Week!

open house

Meet the Teacher:

My name is Lindsay and I am a second grade teacher.  This is my fifth year teaching.  I began teaching right out of college.  Teaching has always been a passion of mine.  I began teaching second grade for two years, then taught first grade for one year and looped those students into second grade.  I loved the experience of being able to teach the same students for two years! What growth I saw! And I grew so attached to these students, it was hard to say good bye at the end of the year last year! Now, I have a whole new group of second graders this year and I am loving them so far!

My teaching style is student centered.  I want to make sure that students in my class are always actively engaged in learning! To do this, students work independently, in small groups, in partners, as a whole group, and one on one with me.  Students get the opportunity to explore on their own in subjects like math and science.   With different programs (like daily 5), I try to create independence within the students so that they are learning all of the time! I have a lot of procedures and expectations set in my classroom so that students know how they should be acting at all times.  I always set high expectations for my students so that they can succeed.  When I taught first grade, it was an eye opening experience because they couldn't do as much as second graders that I was used to.  But, I set high expectations and expected a lot from them and they rose and met those expectations! I do have a fun and silly side that I incorporate into my teaching as well because I want my students to love learning and want to be at school!

That is me in a nutshell.  I am excited to learn about other teachers and their teaching styles.  What a great way to make connections and share ideas!

One week down!

Okay so I've got the first week of school under my belt.  And I have to say, I am loving my second graders! I just hope they continue this for the rest of the year! I have a feeling I haven't seen the true colors for some yet. But hopefully they will continue to show me such great behavior in the classroom!

I feel a new confidence this year teaching.  It is my fifth year teaching and I just feel different as a teacher.  I feel more established and ready to take more risks. I am more confident and consistent with my expectations for my students. I guess this is just the new teacher in me!

My students have such different personalities but they all seem to go well together so far. They are so caring and seem to share the same passion towards learning that I do! I can't wait to see what this year brings!

So my past few posts have been about the Daily 5.  I started the daily 5 in my class the very first day of school.  Right now we are building stamina for read to self.  The students are up to almost 10 minutes and are doing so well with it! I'm thinking this week I will introduce work on writing and start building stamina for that! I don't want to rush introducing each daily 5 but I also do want to start guided reading as soon as possible! I know my principal wants me to too! I also started the CAFE in my class too.  I am loving that as well.  I am finding that my read alouds are so much more meaningful when I have a CAFE strategy that I am focusing on.  These two programs (daily 5 and cafe) are really providing great structure to my literacy block in my classroom. I just hope that as my students and I continue on with the daily 5 and cafe, it continues to go so well!

Anyone else just starting with the daily 5 and/or cafe?